My enemies never weary of reminding me my past failures, whenever he sees an opportune moment. But I remember this is what the Bible was made for, so I have a guide to discern the voice of my Shepherd and the enemy.

My soul finds its strength in Your Love. My heart will not grow tired of waiting for You. Though my strength is low, but my eyes are fixed on your love. Therefore my spirit will not be dragged down to where my strength is.

Cause me God, to love the people you love more than my pride! May the spirit of the Lord turn my heart that is filled selfish ambitions to a heart that can’t stand to see people not receiving Jesus as their Savior.

It is not my own wisdom nor knowledge that will turn me from an ingenue to a wise woman, rather His Spirit. For twenty years and more,I had been living to please myself. I restrained not my eyes to see things that gratifies my flesh.

Teach me Holy Spirit, to love Him more than myself.


Some People

Some people are born with mental capacities that allows them to learn so much knowledge while retaining their sanity.

Some people are capable of performings acts of benevolence relentlessly, as an ocean of love exists in their hearts.

Some people without trying, inspire others through the way they love themselves.

We never know how are we remembered. So do good, be good.

a dream

We are looking for someone who gives us a chance to be remembered. To feel the importance of living.

That girl who dreams to be an astronaut in the fifth grade, where is she now? Is she still alive? Well, maybe her body is but her dreams aren’t.

The core of our existence is the footprints we leave behind after we ceased to exist. What are our contributions to the betterment of society?

A Dream

Not everyone has the privilege of knowing the feeling of being loved.

Last night I had a strange dream which put a smile on my face the next morning.

The dream of having someone being smitten with me.

I might find someone who wants to marry me, but will I find someone who loves me?

Will I find someone who ties the knot with me because he loves me and not just for the sake of procreating?

afraid to pray

I’m afraid to pray. Because whenever I close my eyes and starting to pray, the devil’s voice grows clearer.

In the silence, his voice is the loudest. I pray hoping for an answer from God but all I hear is the ticking sound of the clock.

no i want to die.